Shaped lights and soft edges

While shadow casting lights will be limited by any shape, it will be speedier to use the round or rectangular switches whenever possible. Fortunately, many luminaires project light in just these shapes. The addition of the softedge lite texture allows the edges of these shapes to be smudged in varying degrees.
The penumbra variable in the texture requester controls the amount of smudge. A setting of .1 starts the blurring at the percent of the lights radius, while a .9 shades only the lasty ten per cent. Therefore, a flood light can be made with a very large x and z axis, and a small penumbra setting. A spot light, conversely, will have a small axes, and a large penumbra value. A flourescent panel provides very dispersed light, and so a rectangular light with extemely large x and z values coupled with the tiniest penumbra value can be used.

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